Meet Tom Wyant, Host of The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief

Tom is a Managed Service Provider with over 30 years’ experience shows you how cybersecurity is for everybody, and it’s easier and more fun than you think!

Meet Tom Wyant, Host of The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief

Tom is a Managed Service Provider with over 30 years’ experience shows you how cybersecurity is for everybody, and it’s easier and more fun than you think!

Ah yes, the host bio page.

This is where we’re supposed to talk about Tom Wyant’s long list of credentials and why you want to listen to him.

First, let’s cover the basics about Tom, the man.

He’s happily married for 30 years to Janice, 3 kids, CEO of a successful IT consulting company, musician, and overall the jolly dork you love hanging out with by the campfire on a breezy summer Saturday night.

Tom lives near Traverse City, MI and when he’s not helping companies in the 5-50 employee range with all areas of IT and saving them from cybsersecurity disasters in the making, he enjoys doing gigs with the TC Knuckleheads.

Now, let’s look at what stands Tom out from others in his field.

Really, everyone in IT does the same stuff, using the same tools, (mostly) the same vendors, and hires people that can work on your equipment and on the stuff they sell.

What makes Tom Wyant different?

He listens.

He has standards.

He takes something like cybersecurity – which many people dread as an expense, a chore, or just an annoyance – and makes it easy and fun (yes, fun) for everyone.

You tell Tom what you’re trying to accomplish and he helps you get there.

Standards allow him to keep your environment straightforward and easy to fix.

If you’re getting what you need to be successful, and he’s keeping things running and allowing your employees to be productive and efficient, you’re going to be very happy.

As a Managed Service Provider with over 30 years’ experience, Tom realizes that everyone – from tech-savvy individuals wanting to enhance their existing knowledge to beginners seeking to increase their cybersecurity literacy – can find the literature confusing and annoying.

Especially all this stuff about MFA (which stands for “multi-factor authentication”) that seems to do nothing but make our jobs more annoying, even if we recognize that at some level, it’s for our own good.

Tom is here to change the conversation about cybersecurity.

That’s why he started The Wyant Cybersecurity Brief.

Tom wants you to come to see cybersecurity as a smart investment that helps you gain more enjoyment and fulfillment in your business and life.

Now, let’s join forces to change the conversation and change the world for the better!


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